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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mile 2 of Our First Run to IVF

I took my second lupron injection tonight.  It no longer bothers me to stick myself.  I started having headaches last night and off and on through out the day.  I also started getting some minor cramping that felt like my ovaries were being squeezed.  I have mild breast tenderness, but that happens to me frequently, being as I am big busted. 

All in all, not too bad.  I was a bit nervous today, thinking of all the side effects yet to come.  I am working on letting that go.  I have made the choice to do this, I have to deal with the consequences and I cannot control them.  I went for a long swim at the gym tonight and that helped.  Oh, and did I mention the exhaustion hit me at about 5 pm. 

Onto Mile 3!


  1. Ugh, those damn lupron headaches!!I think it's great that you swam - stay active as much as you can up until your stims. When I had my lupron side-effects I was tired, cranky, headachy and blah. I swear the acupuncture took that allll away. I hope you are able to do at least a couple of acupuncture treatments! Best of luck... I am here for you!!!

  2. Thanks! I am really struggling, I feel like my whole body is floating. I have to go to work today and I stare at a computer all day, then have therapy clients this evening. Pray I get through this! I am trying to get in a massage before we go to Florida as well as find one out there. Oh, and the tears have started,random no reason tears. Day four how I hate thee!
