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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

F to the O to the double L....


We had our IVF consult today.  Everything is almost set to go.   We were truly blessed today.  Our Dr. office gave us three boxes of follistem.  This is a three thousand dollar expense!  It should be all we need for this cycle.  We just have to wait for the other four meds to come and those are costing around $760. 

I start taking lupron on Monday.  I am very nervous about this, as I have read so many scary stories about the side effects.  My nurse did tell me today that because I am only on it for two weeks, I should not have too many problems.  She also confirmed with me that those who take lupron depot, the injection that lasts one month, are the ones who have the most issues.  Phew!  And with the encouragement of a fellow blogger and IVF'er  I am going to try accupuncture to help with the stres and side effects from this cyle in hopes of increasing our chanees.  Thanks Bella!

It was a very strange process.  My hubby and I had to sign over who would get the embryo's if one of us died, or if one if we got divorced.  I get them if we divorce, which will never happen.  I know everyone says that.  But anyway, if one of us dies, then the other gets the rigths to the embryo's.  It was very surreal to discuss this!

I am also concerned about OHSS.  Ovarian hyperstimulation synderome for all you non IFers.  Because I have PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome) I am at the highest risk for OHSS on the stims (stimulation drugs).  It is rare to have the life threatening reaction, but possible.  I know other women who have had this happen to them, on different levels of seriousness. 

A few more needle free days, then it is 6 weeks of daily, sometimes twice daily injections!

Thank you Dr. R. and Nurse R. for giving us that wonderully generous gift.  Because of this, we can freeze our extrta bambino-cysts.  Yes, I just made up that word! :)


  1. Good luck Jennifer! I am only just beginning to do Femara this upcoming cycle so I have no idea what you are about to embark on but you'll be in my thoughts! xxx

  2. Yeah for your free meds!! I am jealous~ meds can be so expensive. I am glad that you are going to try acupuncture. I have a suggestion - depending on where you live, you may have an acupuncture school nearby. If so, I am sure one of the professors that teach there is an "infertility expert." Often times the cost of seeing an acupuncturist is cheaper. This is how I found my current acupuncturist - she was a graduating student and was under the watchful eye of an amazing professor. When she graduated I followered her into her amazing practice. She was kind enough to keep my fee at the same price I paid while she was finishing school. I too worried about OHSS and it happened to me both fresh cycles. I was ok though - you just have to drink plenty of water and make sure you watch your E2 levels. I am crossing my fingers for you friend!

  3. Thanks ladies. Bella, thank you so much for your advice! I am finding myself so nervous about this I am having panic attacks! I need to calm down. Did you have to go into the hospital for OHSS? Were they still able to do the cycles?

  4. So it starts huh? I will be there soon enough. Probably in May. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. I am doing acupuncture as well and I highly recommend it. I've heard of research that says acupuncture can increase your chances by 20%, so I think it a good way to go. Wishing you much luck and fertility!

  5. Thanks Soul in Progress! I did my first injection last night. I barely felt it! I will keep you posted. I am trying not to be nervous or crazy, but that is proving to be a hard feat at this point!
